Robotic Arm
School Level

Packages comprises of

  • Recorded Lectures
  • Study Material - Pdf
  • Edp
  • Assessment followed by certificate after completion of 50 %
  • Prototype Project view of minimum duration
  • Mentorship
  • Submission of Project
  • Certificate after successful completion of project work


This project gives the basic concepts of an Arduino controlled robotic arm project.

The mini-robot arm uses four servomotors to move the arm. Servomotors are controlled by Arduino and connected to the PWM pin of Arduino. There are eight buttons in the android app. Out of these, four buttons are used to control the four servo motors. 

The programmable robotic arm finds extensive applications in its use in extreme conditions like space mission or underwater expeditions. It is also using in nuclear power plants and in toxic atmosphere where human surveillance is difficult.


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